Campaign : Donation to Project DEF ISL App
(E Learning Platform)
DEF is an organization made of the Deaf, for the Deaf, by the Deaf, focused on addressing the issues of communication for the Deaf and developing methods and resources to improve their connect with the society at large. They aim to make a lasting impact on the future of thousands of Deaf or hard of hearing children and adults by providing them access to early identification, hearing technology and expertise to reach their full potential.
The DEF-ISL app makes learning of sign language easy, accessible and interesting. Packed with 50000+ easy-to-understand signs and phrases, in-built videos, illustrations, this easy to navigate app can be used both by adults and children who are Deaf or hard of hearing. The customized mobile app is available for download on iOS and Android platforms.
DEF-ISL offers the opportunity for all to learn sign language and thereby reach out to the Deaf more easily. This App will be interlink with YouTube and Website
DEF is committed to work for the cause of the Deaf in India. We are carrying out all our activities through the help and support of well-wishers and donors who generously give us contributions to help sustain this work. We depend on our donors to help us carry on the activities that are helping us to reach out and change the lives of so many Deaf persons for good.
The Deaf need your tangible support. We hope you will continue to stand by the Community and DEF as we keep working tirelessly for a better and brighter future for this marginalised yet hugely gifted segment of society.
We will keep you in an update progress of this project and will keep posting the link and videos to your WhatsApp number.
You can make a donation through online / UPI/ QR Code